I remember going to rummage sales specifically looking for old puzzles to buy and put together. I got so obsessed with puzzles, I bought a 6000 piece puzzle, put it together, and glued it for decoration. Overtime I accumulated several puzzles and began not knowing what to do with them. I put my craft mind to work. I want to share with you a few ideas I found to use with my puzzle pieces. The first project I tried is a simple wreath: What is nice about this project is you can use any puzzle doesn't have to match with a color scheme. Start with putting the pieces into a circle For the next layer you can start adding glue to the bottom of the colored side of piece and glue Just go all around the wreath placing each piece on top of the other pieces. I made three layers. Next I made a Christmas Tree ornament. Just place the pieces in the shape of the tree and then add pieces on top ...
Have you ever been at a point in your life when you wanted to add something to your life. I decided blogging was it. I love making crafts and finding new ideas to make for myself and others. Taking old things and making them into something new, or trying something for the first time just because it looks interesting. If this is something you feel as well I ask you to follow my journey and learn with me. This blog is all about crafting.